So you want to know more about Thai massage, do ya?

Historically, Buddhist monks performed Thai massage in the temples as part of their meditation to assist them in attaining a clear and peaceful mind. During this type of massage, the body is compressed, stretched, and pulled, also combined with gentle, rhythmic and deep, static pressures.

There are several styles of Thai massage. I practice my own spin of Northern-style Thai massage, which is slow and gentle, and an effective way to unwind the mind and body.

Several other ways Traditional Thai massage differs from table massage:

  • It is performed on a mat on the floor
  • Clients remain fully clothed
  • No oil or lotion is required



How to Prepare for Your Thai Massage Session
  • It is best not to eat a heavy meal right before your massage.
  • Use the restroom before your massage. If you feel the need to use the restroom during our session, it is absolutely okay to ask to take a break.
  • Let me know what you would like to get out of your massage. (Pain relief, relaxation, etc.)
  • Please speak up during the session if you are hot/cold, need more or less pressure, etc. Unfortunately I can’t read your mind, but I do want you to have the most amazing massage possible!
  • When receiving Thai Massage, please come dressed in loose or stretchy “yoga” clothes. (Ideally nothing too tight, baggy, or slippery.) I highly recommend wearing layers. You may start out warm and become chilled as you relax. Think socks, long sleeve shirts or cardigans or comfy zip-up hoodie, with the option to remove warm layers if needed.



Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I have to be super flexible to receive a Thai massage?

A: Ab-so-lutely NOT. This is one of the most frequent concerns I receive. (Truthfully, I’m not super flexible either, but Thai massage is my absolute favorite modality when I am the client.) 

Thai massage sessions are customized to meet your body where it is, and should always be performed within your comfort level. While some of the movements might feel strange, they should never feel painful. If you do happen to experience discomfort, it important that you speak up and notify your practitioner so adjustments can be made accordingly. However, if your body is not used to stretching or acupressure, there can sometimes be some soreness after your massage (similar to after a workout that your body isn’t used to), which should subside within a day or two.


Q: I’ve seen some photos/videos of Thai massage that look like acrobatic yoga. Is this what you do?

A: You know when you were a kid and someone got on the floor and held you up in the air with their feet and called it the “airplane”? Yeah, I don’t do anything like that! There are many Thai massage photos wandering the internet that show advanced techniques, often because they’re eye-catching. Rest assured, you will remain on the mat and I will not be folding you into a pretzel.



Want to watch part of a Thai massage demonstration?